26, 2013, Issue 195
1. QUOTES OF THE MONTH: To Have And Have Not
1. QUOTES OF THE MONTH: To Have And Have Not
haves are on the march. With growing inequality, so grows their power. And so
also diminish the voices of solidarity and mutual reinforcement, the voices of
civil society, the voices of a democratic and egalitarian middle class."
— James K.
Galbraith, U.S. economist (1952- )
can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth
concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."
— Louis
Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1856-1941)
“I am opposing a social order in which it is
possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a
fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who
work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched
Eugene Victor
Debs, U.S. labor leader, socialist politician (1855-1926)
"If our civilization is destroyed, it
will not be by barbarians from below. Our
barbarians come from above."
— Henry
Demarest Lloyd, U.S. pioneer muckraking journalist (1847-1903)
Census Bureau reported recently that 22% of American children under the age of
10 lived in poverty in 2012 — that’s 16.1 million kids out of a an “official”
total of 46.5 million poor Americans. — a figure that has jumped significantly
since 2007. According to Charles Blow in the Oct. 26 New York Times, 22.83% of
children in New York State live in poverty, a jump of 3.41% since 2007. The
worst state is Mississippi, with 34.69% of poor youth, a hike of 5.3%. North
Dakota (13.5%) was the only state that did not experience an increase. There
are 1,168,354 homeless children attending
pre- and K-12 schools in the U.S. A total of 5.8 million young people
between the ages of 16 and 24 are not in school and jobless.
Liberation newspaper reports that in 2008-2012, "mid-wage” jobs ($14-$21
and hour) declined by 38% while “low wage” jobs ($7.50-$13.5 an hour) increased
by 37%. Since business profits have been rising steadily it is apparent that
the increased size of the low-wage working class has contributed mightily to
the hike in profits.
3. U.S.
By Jack A.
Smith, the Activist Newsletter
all the enervating political tumult and shouting emanating from Washington
these days, there is remarkably little to show for it except what has become
virtually routine political paralysis.
of the key differences that are fought over by the politicians seem to directly
relate to these five most crucial and threatening specific issues confronting
the American people:
1. The erosion of American democracy by a political system flagrantly dominated
by great wealth, the big corporations, Wall Street and the major banks. One
person may have one vote, but a billionaire — by virtue of funding certain
candidates — has the equivalent of thousands of votes on Election Day and in
the federal and state legislatures and executive offices thereafter. This more
closely resembles an oligarchy (rule by a small group of powerful people and
interests) than genuine democracy.
The grave weakening of civil liberties and the privacy rights of the American
people by the Bush and Obama Administrations has in a dozen years transformed
the United States into a global Surveillance State. Whatever happened to the
“checks and balances” that were supposed to exist in the U.S. political system
to protect the people from such abuses? Our postal mail, email, Internet
practices, phones and other electronic devises are now hacked at will by the
U.S. government and many law enforcement agencies. Somewhere in the U.S., a
potential Big Brother regime is patiently waiting in the wings for conditions
to ripen. The apparatus is at the ready.
this connection the Washington Post reported Oct. 5: “David Sanger, the New
York Times reporter who has spent two decades reporting in Washington, says
that the Obama administration is the ‘most closed, control-freak administration’
he's ever covered. That criticism comes from a forthcoming report on U.S. press freedom written by former
Washington Post editor Leonard Downie Jr., in which he claims that national
security reporters face "vast and unprecedented challenges" as a
result of government surveillance, secrecy and "sophisticated
control" of the news media's access to government. [See article by Glen
Greenwald below.]

Climate change is already upon us and yet — despite some recent White House
mumblings about lowering greenhouse gas emissions — the U.S. will shortly
become world’s largest crude oil and natural gas producer, thanks to Obama
Administration policies and the proliferation of hazardous fracking. Washington
always demands to be recognized the world leader, by force if necessary, and
now it’s leading the world toward a disaster by ignoring the climate crisis for
fear of disrupting corporate and financial profits.
The U.S. government is determined to remain the world’s military superpower,
spending over $600 billion a year on the Pentagon and an equal amount on
various “national security” endeavors — more than an annual $1.2 trillion all
told. President Obama is currently
fighting ground or drone wars in Afghanistan, West Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia,
while continuing to increase the military buildup against China. In addition,
Obama is sending special military forces of the Joint Special Operations
Command (JSOC) to scores of countries around the globe to advance U.S.
interests — and most Americans have no idea this is happening.
from a left perspective, the main danger is the Republicans — the far right
wing, the Tea Party reactionaries, most of big business and finance, libertarians,
intimidated moderates, fundamentalist Bible thumpers, and remnant racists. They
usually oppose abortion rights and deny global warming. Many want to “shrink”
the federal government in order to eliminate Social Security and all social
programs that benefit the people, destroy
all regulatory oversight of big business, and erect nearly insurmountable
barriers against the labor movement.
the five key issues listed above are the product of both the Republican and
Democratic Parties. The Libertarians and the Tea Party strongly oppose the
erosion of civil liberties. The libertarians are staunchly against imperialist
war. Indeed, most Democrats seem to shrug off both issues when their party occupies
the Oval Office.
Democratic Party is a secondary danger (or lesser evil, if you prefer). Despite
controlling the White House and Senate for five years and the House for two of
those years — it has proven itself incapable of mounting an effective
counterattack against rampant right wing ideology, not least because the center-right Democrats have neither the political
orientation, nor the will to adequately serve the needs of American working
families. Both parties, after all, are wedded to a private enterprise system
utterly based on economic inequality at home and imperialist wars abroad. Can
this be honestly doubted by liberals and progressives, even as they undoubtedly
will pull the lever for Hilary Clinton and more of the same in 2016?
has the Democratic Party done to halt the erosion of American democracy? What
has it done to strengthen civil liberties? What has it done (in the last 50
years) to reverse the ever-widening inequality gap between rich and poor? What
has it done to end wars and substantially reduce the bloated military/national
security budgets in order to invest in social programs? What has it done to
promptly take major steps to convert from fossil fuels to renewable sources of
energy? It has done nothing of significance.
American society is swiftly changing for the worst. We all can see this. It has
a way to go yet, and can be stopped and reversed before the rightist momentum
becomes uncontrollable. To accomplish this, a new progressive/left politics is
absolutely necessary. The march of the right wing must be halted and pushed
back. The march of the left (not the center right lesser evil) must commence.
All else, in our view, is wishful thinking.
Demonstrators at anti-suirveillance rally in Washington, Oct. 26. |
By Bart Jansen and Carolyn Pesce
(as edited)
— Thousands rallied against NSA's domestic and international surveillance
Saturday, Oct. 26, by marching to the Capitol and calling for closer scrutiny
of the agency as more details of its spying are leaked.
signs that said "Stop mass surveillance," "Thank you, Edward
Snowden" and "No NSA mass spying," and chanting slogans like
"no secret courts," the protesters gathered under a blue sky to hear
various speakers.
Watching Us organized the march and is a diverse coalition (including right as
well as left) of more than 100 public advocacy groups of various political
views aiming to deliver a petition to Congress calling for an end to mass
surveillance by the National Security Agency. The group includes civil
liberties watchdogs like the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation and
more broad-based groups like the ANSWER Coalition, Council on American-Islamic
Relations, FreedomWorks and Occupy Wall Street.
NSA spying controversy has been growing amid new revelations by former NSA
contractor Edward Snowden that the U.S. monitored the cellphone of German
Chancellor Angela Merkel. It was the latest in revelations of spying on foreign
countries — leaders of France and Italy have protested NSA surveillance as well
as Brazil's president, who has canceled a visit to the U.S.
Radack, national security director for the Government Accountability Project,
one of the rally organizers, read the crowd a statement from Snowden decrying
the government's ability to examine call records and internet transactions.
representatives in Congress tell us this is not surveillance. They're
wrong," Radack quoted Snowden as saying. She gestured toward the Capitol
building behind her and added, "We are watching you."
Segal, executive director of Demand Progress, one of the grass-roots groups
that helped organize the event, said before marching from Union Station to
Third St. and Pennsylvania Ave. in front of the Capitol that the goal is to put
a face to opposition to surveillance.
have been lobbying this week for legislation to curb surveillance after a
near-miss in July, with a 205-217 loss in the House, for a provision to block
bulk collection of data such as phone records. The provision was sponsored by
Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., who is scheduled to speak to protesters on the
National Mall.
legislation is expected next week from Sen. Pat Leahy (D-Vt.), and Rep James
Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), Segal said: "I think that what the NSA has been
doing is so transparently egregious that we have a real shot at winning this
Miller of Bloomfield, N.Y., near Rochester, held a sign saying "What part
of 'shall not' don't you understand?" At 56, he was attending his first
political rally because of his concerns about surveillance.
natural progression is more control, more power," Miller said. "No
matter what they say, we're going down the path toward tyranny."
Wilson of Worcester, Mass., and a founder of the grass-roots group Fight for
the Future, wore tape across his mouth and held a walking banner that said
"Spying is censorship."
terrified by the ability the U.S. has to do surveillance here and all over the
world," Wilson said, referring to the NSA gathering information from
people's phones and e-mail. "They know who we associate with and where we
are at any given time. It's only getting worse."
, USA TODAY. Organizer website, https://rally.stopwatching.us
the despicable actions of right wing Republicans and the Tea Party that brought
about the 16-day partial government shutdown this month, it’s easy to join the Democratic
Party in declaring victory for President Obama and the American people — much
too easy, in fact. “Obama Wins” was a repeated headline in the liberal media,
but there was much more to it than that, as this commentary from a socialist
point of view will make clear.]
By Eugene
first glance it may seem strange to assert that the Tea Party, or at least its
economic program, has emerged victorious from the government shutdown. After
all, no less an authority on Republicans than Karl Rove declared in the Wall
St. Journal that Tea Party-led Republicans walked straight into President
Obama’s “trap” and strengthened his position.
a deeper look at the government’s policy direction, however, shows that the
semi-fascist Tea Party has permanently enshrined large parts of its
fundamentalist capitalist agenda. From taxes to spending cuts that eviscerate
services for the working class and boost the rich, their program has become an
accepted part of the bipartisan consensus, with the full assent of President
President himself, in his post-shutdown remarks, made this quite clear when he
stated that this has not been a “political” fight but instead a “failure in
governance.” In other words, Republicans had no need to shut down the
government to get agreement on austerity measures — this could have been
accomplished instead in the disguise of a “compromise.”
can be seen clearly in the counter-proposal the Democrats offered Republicans at
one point to avoid a shutdown: locking in 100% of the sequester cuts. These cuts, which affect the whole
range of pro-worker social programs, were originally designed by Democrats to
be so extreme that they would force Republicans to the table. Now it is
perfectly acceptable for these “unthinkable” cuts to be made permanent from the
White House’s point of view.
deal to end the shutdown and raise the debt ceiling points in the same
direction. They have established a commission to determine whether the
sequester cuts should remain, or be “replaced” by other cuts.
House references to other budget “savings” is a nod in the direction of
so-called “entitlement reform.” Right-wing Republicans and many liberals has
been laser focused on the need to start hacking away at Social Security and
Medicare, and reduce the potential tax burden on the super-rich. Heaven forbid
they have to pay a penny so that the people who made them so rich can have any
semblance of a dignified retirement.
again the Tea Party’s brinkmanship strategy has facilitated the President’s
promotion of Wall Street’s program of deep cuts to programs that are important
for working and poor people. Without any prompting, President Obama declared
before the shutdown he was willing to concede to Republicans the establishment
of Chained Consumer Price Index, which is a new way of calculating Social
Security benefits that will lower the average payout. This is terrible news for
those on fixed incomes, and something previously considered unthinkable in
Democratic Party circles.
other examples could be cited, but the basic point is this: the Tea Party
strategy, while damaging to its brand in the short term has been extremely
successful in locking in their overall agenda. As the 2012 elections showed,
both wings of the ruling class — liberal and conservative — were united in the
understanding that social programs (“entitlements”) would have to be cut; the
only question was whether or not to use the more elegant carving knife, or take
the meat cleaver approach. In crudely trying to hack away at social programs,
the Tea Party has only made the Democrats’ carving knife seem more “sensible.”
President has essentially capitulated to the Republicans by offering up giant
concessions on spending cuts in attempts to construct “grand bargains” at the
expense of the working class. The hard-right understands their only leverage is
the collective power of saying “No” to everything the White House puts forward.
Their obstructionism, which consistently causes these political crises, serves
to set the terms of the debate further to the right — in order to “govern,” the
President accepts the rightward shift and, by extension, appeases the Tea Party
faction itself.
retrospect the focus on the Affordable Care Act was nothing more than a
switch-and-bait tactical move. Some of the right-wing’s true believers are
disappointed that they did not succeed at defunding “Obamacare,” but that was
never really in the cards — as the architects of the strategy knew. Obama can
claim victory over the Tea Party because he “hung tough.” But the truth is, the
seemingly kamikaze irrationality of Tea Party representatives like Ted Cruz
shifted the public eye onto the ACA and away from core right-wing priorities
like spending and tax cuts, thereby making it easier for Obama to pursue a
concessions strategy.
is why mainstream ruling-class Republicans initially embraced the Tea Party.
They hoped that by empowering this semi-fascist movement of petit-bourgeois
anger — which largely repackages the core economic program of Wall Street —
they could bludgeon elite liberals into much deeper concessions. While the Tea
Party has often escaped the control of their puppet masters, and sometimes
embarrassed them, their tactical moves in Congress have done exactly what was
intended. They have dragged the country further into the realm of unrestrained
corporate power, free of encumbrances like unions, taxes, and regulation, free
to pursue profit by any means, regardless of the destruction this program
wreaks on the lives of working and poor people.
his part, the President has shown himself to be a man of no permanent
principles, just the permanent interests of the U.S. capitalist rulers. At no
time has he attempted to mobilize the social power of millions of people who
are opposed to this sort of destruction of the living standards of working
people. This should come as no surprise given that the corporate rulers of our
society, even if they find the Tea Party impolitic and sometimes wild, are
resolutely opposed to a mass social movement of working people arising in
defense of their own interests.
the top corporate and financial bosses desire is an orderly demolition of the
gains won by working people in the post-WWII era. This is what President Obama
or conservative, Republican or Democrat, no one on Capitol Hill or in the White
House is looking out for the interests of the half of society that is in or
near poverty — no matter what they say in their stump speeches and
grandstanding on CSPAN.
only way to fight the Tea Party, the government and the country’s Wall Street
overlords is to build a massive, politically independent, movement of precisely
those tens of millions of people. That is the only path to creating a new
society that puts the needs of society above the needs of the CEOs
From Liberation, Oct. 17 (http://www.pslweb.org/liberationnews/news/).
Eugene Puryear is a Marxist writer, activist and member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
By Steven
next drama shaping up in Washington is one almost all Americans don’t want —
cutting Social Security retirement benefits earned over a lifetime. At least
nine Democratic senators are lining up with Republicans looking for big
spending and tax cuts.
a horrible negotiating position,” said Warren Gunnels, senior policy advisor to
Sen. Bernard Sanders, (I-VT), who has been appointed to the 2013 federal budget
conference committee, where the debate is taking shape.
hear these people saying, ‘We have to be the adults at the table and the
Republicans don’t negotiate. Aren’t we reasonable?’” he continued. “A more reasonable
position is a majority of Americans don’t want Social Security, Medicare and
Medicare cut at all. Why don’t we have one political party represent what a
majority of people want?”
government shutdown and threatened debt default was disruptive and hurt the
economy. But what is emerging is an entirely different drama, one that could
shape the quality of tens of millions of people’s final decades. Most Americans
do not have much in retirement savings and will live on Social Security now averaging
$1,200 a month, and receive their healthcare under Medicare. Similarly, nearly
two-thirds of Medicaid recipients are children from poor homes or adults with
National Journal, a leading conservative publication, did a nationwide poll in
the first week of the shutdown and tilted its questions to try to show public
support for the GOP’s intransigence and for cutting entitlements. What it
didn’t put on its website but was buried in its results was that 76% said
Social Security should be cut “not at all,” as opposed to cut “a lot” or
“some.” A total of 81% said Medicare should be cut “not at all.” And 60%
replied "not at all" to cutting Medicaid. These results tracked two
other National Journal polls done in 2012 and other national surveys.
as Sen. Sanders’ policy aide noted, the mindset in too many Washington circles
is taking a completely opposite view. You would expect corporate defenders
among the GOP to do what they have been doing since the government reopened —
clamoring for cuts to social programs, as their rich benefactors don’t need
them, and cutting tax rates, which makes wealthy people and businesses even
wealthier. That’s what GOP leaders said; they’ll end the across-the-board
federal cuts known as the sequester if Democrats agree to future cuts in Social
Security and Medicare.
Majority Leader Harry Reid firmly said “no” to that. But a day after the
government reopened, the nation’s top Democrat, President Obama, spoke about
the need to address “long-term obligations that we have around things like
Medicare and Social Security.” The Senate Budget Committee chairwoman,
Washington’s Patty Murray, said “all issues are on the [negotiating] table.”
[Obama has said precisely this several times over the years and has never taken
it back.]
Senate’s number-two top Democrat, Illinois’ Dick Durban, subsequently told Fox
News that “Social Security is going to run out of money in 20 years…. Medicare
may run out of money in 10 years. Let’s fix it now.” Virginia Democratic Sen.
Mark Warner told the same program, “We all know at the end of the day,
Republicans are going to have to give on revenues, Democrats are going to have
to give on entitlement reform.”
least nine Senate Democrats Democrats are entering these negotiations embracing
the GOP’s terms. California’s Dianne Feinstein, Montana’s Max Baucus, West
Virginia’s Joe Manchin , Delaware’s Chris Coons and Tom Carper , and Colorado’s
Michael Bennett have all said they support cuts to entitlements in letters to
constituents, proposed bills or statements made after the President’s fiscal
reform commission led by Eskine Bowles and Alan Simpson issued its 2010 report
proposing capping or cutting entitlements while lowering or eliminating
corporate taxes.
wonder George Will, arguably the nation’s leading right-wing commentator,
boasted on Fox News Oct. 20 about the upcoming budget negotiation, saying, “We
are now talking entirely in Republican terms, in Republican vocabulary after
this so-called defeat…. No taxes, how much is spending going to be cut? The
federal workforce is being cut, discretionary domestic spending is being cut”.…
Wall Street Journal quickly capitalized on the division among Democrats with
its own Oct. 20 report:
are showing in the Democratic coalition as the next round of budget talks gets
under way…. With eyes now turning toward a newly formed budget committee, some
liberal lawmakers and groups are worried that Democrats will negotiate cuts to
Social Security benefits and other entitlement programs. The president's budget
blueprint, which was released in April, proposed slowing the growth of Social
Security spending by using a new measure of inflation to determine benefits.”
new formula, called the chained consumer-price index, would reduce benefits.
According to Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.), co-chairman of the Congressional
Progressive Caucus, “The president is about to run into a major base problem if
he tries to do this. My advice to him is: Don't do it.” Earlier this year, more
than 100 House Democrats signed a letter to the president laying out their
opposition to the “chained” index.
Steven Rosenfeld covers democracy issues for AlterNet, including this Oct. 24
article, and is the author of "Count My Vote: A Citizen's Guide to
Voting" (AlterNet Books, 2008).
By Campaign for
America’s Future
Bureau of Labor Statistics September jobs report, released Oct. 22, summarizes
the labor market before the damage inflicted by the government shutdown (Oct.
1-16). It shows an economy that is treading water, barely creating enough
jobs – 148,000 in September – to cover new entrants into the workforce.
This is fewer jobs than the average over the last year. Over 20 million
people are still in need of full-time work.
The most
telling figures are those reflecting participation in the economy. A year
ago in September 58.7% of the population was employed; 58.6% were employed last
month. The participation rate of those in the civilian labor force was
63.6% a year ago; it is 63.2% last month.
This “new
normal” is stagnating at an unacceptable level. Mass unemployment
continues. Wage stagnation is certain. Families will continue to
lose ground.
Washington is headed into another manufactured crisis around the budget in
which the discussion is entirely over how much, what and how fast to cut
spending. But the deficit is plummeting, decreasing faster than anytime since
the demobilization after World War II. The pace of its decline is impeding any
recovery. But for jobs, the reality is “little change.”
By Common
If global warming continues its trajectory, the year
average temperatures surpass historical norms is 2047, bringing huge threats to
global biodiversity, according to a new study in Nature.
at the University of Hawaii-Manoa created an index based on 39 climate models
used in a dozen countries, and compared that data to the extreme records from
1860 through 2005.
looked at the minimum and maximum values that occurred in that 150-year window
and that’s how we set our bounds of recent historical variability,” explained
Ryan Longman, a doctoral student who worked on the analysis.
researchers were then able to come up with the "year of climate
departure," and found that the worldwide average for that date was 2047,
meaning that every year after that point will be as warm or warmer. In other
words, it's the date "when the old
maximum average temperatures become the new minimum temperatures."
2047, Washington, DC, and New York City will experience temperatures exceeding
historical norms. In Mexico City, that date could come as soon as
2031. For Kingston, Jamaica, it's just 10 years away.
have repeatedly warned about climate change and its likely effects on
biodiversity and people," declared Camilo Mora, the study's lead author.
"Our study shows that such changes are already upon us.
results should not be reason to give up. Rather, they should encourage us to
reduce emissions and slow the rate of climate change…. This can buy time for
species, ecosystems, and ourselves to adapt to the coming changes."
By Bobby Magill
As fracking catapults
the United States to the top of the list of the world’s largest crude oil and
natural gas producers, climate scientists worry that the nation's booming
fossil fuels production is growing too quickly with too little concern about
its impact on climate change, possibly
endangering America’s efforts to curb global greenhouse gas
U.S. is likely to become the world’s top producer of crude oil and natural gas
by the end of 2013, producing more hydrocarbons than either Russia or Saudi
Arabia, the U.S Energy Information Administration recently announced.
achieved its new role as world leader in crude oil and natural gas production
because of advancements in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or
fracking, technology, that have made tapping hard-to-reach shale gas and oil
deposits more economically feasible than ever before, according to the
development in four shale oil plays alone — in Texas,
along the Gulf Coast, in North Dakota and in California — was tapping a store
of 24 billion barrels of crude oil considered technically recoverable,
according to a 2011 EIA report
on emerging U.S. shale oil and gas plays.
it’s also happening in the suburbs of Denver, where oil and gas wells tapping
the Niobrara shale and other hydrocarbon-bearing formations are being drilled
in and around residential neighborhoods. It's happening in North Dakota, where
companies tapping the Bakken shale hope to send their crude to
market using the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline. It’s happening in the
Marcellus shale of western Pennsylvania and throughout the Northeast, where the
EIA reported this week that natural gas production has increased 30% — an
increase of 3.2 billion cubic feet per day — so far this this year over 2012.
EIA reported Oct. 4 U.S. petroleum production has increased 7 quadrillion Btu
(British thermal units) since 2008, particularly because of growth in oil
production in the Eagle Ford shale region of South Texas, the Permian Basin
area of West Texas and in the Bakken shale region of western North Dakota. At
the same time, natural gas production increased by 3 quadrillion Btu, primarily
because of production growth in the eastern U.S.
U.S. is also the world’s chief crude oil consumer, burning 18.6 million barrels
of crude and other liquid fossil fuels per day in September and producing 10.9
million barrels per day. China, the world’s chief oil importer, used 10.9
million barrels and produced 4.6 million barrels, the Associated Press reported
Oct. 9.
scientists say America’s oil and gas boom is having unintended consequences,
not just for the climate or the local environment in energy producing regions,
but for America's global role in tackling climate change.
we produce more, we burn more, and we send more CO2 per person into the
atmosphere than almost any other country,” said Susan Brantley, geosciences
professor and director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute at
Pennsylvania State University. “We are blanketing our world with greenhouse
gas, warming the planet.”….
From Climate Central Oct. 10, http://www.climatecentral.org/news/u.s.-top-oil-producer-but-scientists-worry-about-credibility-on-climate-16590
The brief EIA report and a chart is at
By Victor
Kotsev, Asia Times, Oct. 25, 2013
Saudi Arabia and Russia both flexing muscles and the U.S.-Iranian dialogue in
uncharted waters, the bloody Syrian civil war, which has killed at least
110,000 people to date, is undergoing a new profound transformation. The rebels
have turned into their own worst enemies, and though the stalemate continues,
for the first time since the start of the uprising Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad looks relatively comfortable in his grip on power.
has to wonder what is left of the Free Syrian Army (by some accounts only a few
thousand soldiers) after some of its units recently defected to al-Qaeda and
others apparently entered into direct negotiations with the regime. News of the
second development was broken by the veteran correspondent Robert Fisk in the
Independent late last month, and it seems that even future cooperation between
Assad's army and former defectors against the extremists may be in the works.
yet speaks about Assad winning the war or recovering the territorial integrity
of Syria, such as it was two and a half years ago. That would require some very
advanced military-diplomatic tricks, such as dealing with the resurgent Kurds
and crushing decisively the powerful foreign-backed jihadist juggernaut — the
latter a feat that both [former] Cold War superpowers repeatedly failed to
accomplish over the last three decades. [The Soviets in Afghanistan in the late
1970s-80s; the U.S. in Afghanistan and throughout much of the Middle East from
the late 1990s to today.]
the Syrian president has been on quite a roller-coaster recently and has so far
come out of it as well as he possibly could. It seems surreal that as recently
as 2011, an ill-fated Vogue article described Syria as "the safest country
in the Middle East." Just over a year later, the country was in ruins and
it looked like the regime was imploding under the military pressure of the
rebels. It made a comeback, only to come close to the cliff again less than two
months ago, when the U.S. threatened to attack over its alleged use of chemical
weapons in August.
now the possibility of a Western intervention has all but evaporated:
U.S.-Iranian negotiations have taken the front seat. In the foreseeable future,
moreover, deepening Russian involvement in Syria could be a guarantee of sorts
for Assad's tenure.
Polk, a top former US analyst and a member of the Cuban Missile Crisis
management team, estimated in a recent analysis that the US-Russian agreement
over the Syrian chemical weapons would eventually involve some "5-10
thousand Russians and perhaps twice that number of UN-designated peacekeeping
forces from third countries." Polk added, "With a Russian force in
residence and forced to protect its widely scattered personnel and a
significant UN peacekeeping force interspersed among the Russians, the
government can to some degree discount external aggression."
Moscow is tight-lipped about any such plans, but it is already deeply involved
in Syria and even the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
hinted recently that Russia would assist more actively there.
the hard-core international supporters of the rebels, such as Saudi Arabia, are
not giving up either. The fight is likely to be long and no less brutal than it
has already been. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine, Syria expert
Joshua Landis estimated that the recent decision by the Saudis to reject their
seat at the UN Security Council was meant to deflect pressure on them to change
their course.
the Saudis were to join the UN Security Council they would have to follow the
U.S. and Russia's lead," Landis was quoted as saying. "There would be
heavy pressure on Saudi Arabia to stop subsidizing Salifist [jihadist] militias
in Syria. Russia and America would say 'Look, you are part of the United
Nations and you have to sever your ties with the Syrian rebels and stop sending
them arms and money.' But Saudi Arabia doesn't want to rein them in."
the ground, the extremist wing of the rebels is still very strong, controlling
large swathes of northern Syria and even making periodic advances near
Damascus. Jihadists from all over the world are streaming into the country at
an unprecedented rate and the death toll on the government side, already
believed to be considerably higher than that among the rebels, continues to
with the decline of the moderate rebels, the opposition may be fast losing the
hearts and minds of all but the most committed ordinary Syrians. It doesn't
help that in some places people are starving to the point where Islamic clerics
are telling them to eat cats and dogs, and their plight is set to get even
worse as the weather gets colder.
those civilians in the devastated rebel-held areas who survive the coming
winter are extremely unlikely to want another one, whatever the stakes. If
Assad still doesn't look like he's anywhere near leaving by election time next
summer, many of them could even vote for him.
is set in stone. The Saudis and their allies still have tricks left up their
sleeves, and there are more than a few other spoilers out there who will try to
torpedo the U.S.-Iranian track….
an Oct. 24 news video on Syria, with RT interviewing Brian Becker, National
Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, go to http://www.answercoalition.org/national/news/video-brian-becker-discusses-syria-political-solutions.html
By the ACLU
response to increasing restrictions on personal freedoms and civil protest,
national human rights organizations from 10 countries this week launched the
International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO).
also released “Take Back the Streets: Repression and Criminalization of Protest
Around the World,” a collection of case studies showing patterns of police
crackdown and abuse against peaceful assembly, accompanied by concrete
recommendations to expand free speech.
rights and freedoms we enjoy are a direct result of protest movements of the
past,” said Gastón Chillier, executive director of the Centro de Estudios
Legales y Sociales in Argentina. “Freedom of speech and as a result, our
societies, will only flourish if peaceful assembly is protected from excessive
police force and government obstruction.”
INCLO investigation and report bring together examples of protest under attack
in which INCLO members are involved. The report offers three primary
recommendations for governments to advance freedom of speech: increase
regulation of less-lethal weapons (tear gas, pepper spray), explicitly affirm
support for freedom of peaceful assembly, and be vigilant against
administrative limitations to protest.
organizations will work together to counter the efforts to repress political
speech,” said Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU). “Only when citizens can voice their concerns and
advocate openly for positive change can democracy flourish.”
members are the ACLU, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, the Canadian
Civil Liberties Association, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Argentina),
the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, the Hungarian Civil Liberties
Union, the Kenyan Human Rights Commission, the Legal Resources Centre (South
Africa), Liberty (United Kingdom) and the Irish Council for Civil Liberties.
— Take Back the Streets is available at:
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By Alex Kane
leading human rights organizations have released investigative reports into
U.S. drone strikes in Yemen and Pakistan.
International, which focused on drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal areas, and
Human Rights Watch, which looked at attacks in Yemen, found that some drone
strikes were carried out unlawfully and that civilians have been killed. Both
organizations also called on the U.S. government to be more transparent on the
drone program, which has been marked by secrecy over the years.
U.S. drone strikes target the Taliban, other Islamist militant groups and Al
Qaeda in Pakistan, while the drone attacks in Yemen target Al Qaeda in the Arabian
Peninsula. But civilians have been caught up in the attacks, sowing anger at
the U.S. and leaving ordinary people caught between militant groups and the the
U.S. military and CIA.
International looked at 45 drone strikes in North Waziristan between January
2012 and August 2013. Field researchers did detailed investigations into nine
drone strikes in Pakistan. Amnesty found that an October 2012 drone attack
killed a 68-year-old grandmother named Mamana Bibi while she was picking
vegetables and was surrounded by her grandchildren. The group also looked at a
July 2012 attack that killed 18 workers, including a 14-year-old boy, who were
about to start eating.
the U.S. had claimed that they were “terrorists,” Amnesty’s investigation found
no evidence for that assertion. “We cannot find any justification for these
killings. There are genuine threats to the USA and its allies in the region,
and drone strikes may be lawful in some circumstances,” said Amnesty’s Mustafa
Qadri in a statement. “It is hard to believe that a group of laborers, or an
elderly woman surrounded by her grandchildren, were endangering anyone at all,
let alone posing an imminent threat to the United States.”
Rights Watch investigated six attacks in Yemen — one from 2009 and the others
from 2012-2013. The group found that “two of the attacks killed civilians
indiscriminately in clear violation of the laws of war; the others may have
targeted people who were not legitimate military objectives or caused
disproportionate civilian deaths.” One of the strikes targeted a passenger van
in central Yemen, killing 12 civilians. The reported target of the strike was
nowhere to be found.
groups called on the Obama administration to lift the veil of secrecy around
the drone strike program. In May 2013, President Obama pledged more
transparency in a major speech on counter-terrorism policy. But Amnesty says
that promise “has yet to become a reality, and the USA still refuses to divulge
even basic factual and legal information.” Human Rights Watch likewise is
calling for more transparency and investigations into the killings….
US should investigate attacks that kill civilians and hold those responsible
for violations to account,” said Letta Tayler, the author of the Human Rights
Watch report. “It’s long past time for the US to assess the legality of its
targeted killings, as well as the broader impact of these strikes on civilians.”
Alternet, Oct. 22. Note: On Oct. 30
filmmaker Robert Greenwald will release his new feature-length documentary
titled, "Unmanned: America's Drone Wars." A film trailer and
information are at http://www.warcosts.com/unmanned_about.
By the Activist
the Activist Newsletter reports about the increasing and extremely dangerous
U.S. military buildup in East Asia aimed against China. It is being carried out
under President Obama’s geostrategic policy known as the “Pivot to Asia.”
Following is a portion of an article titled “Obama’s Asia Problem” from the
Oct. 21 issue of Time magazine:
pivot is about more than handshakes and free trade, however. It's also a muscle
flex. The Pentagon is deploying more aircraft carriers, destroyers and
submarines in the region and says it will deploy 60% of its overseas forces in
Asia, up from the current 50%. Officials have said those forces will be exempt
from upcoming Pentagon budget cuts.
Air Force recently announced plans to move more fighter jets to Singapore,
Thailand and India, and one U.S. official said bombers could eventually be
stationed in Australia. Talks are under way with the Philippines about a
substantial U.S. presence there. A new force of 2,500 Marines is planned to be
based on Australia's northern coast. And in April the U.S.S. Freedom sailed
into Singapore — the first of four new littoral-combat ships that will operate
continuously out of the country's Changi Naval Base.
Washington officials play down their significance, these military moves
delivered a clear message to China: ‘Asia Pivot Targets Beijing,’ declared a
2012 headline in the Global Times, a Chinese Communist Party-linked newspaper.”
are the first few paragraphs of a much longer article by Tom Engelhardt titled
“Why Washington Can’t Stop — The Coming
Era of Tiny Wars and Micro-Conflicts.” The beginning is a catalog of American
military power. A link to the entire article is below.]
By Tom
terms of pure projectable power, there’s never been anything like the U.S. Its
military has divided the world — the whole planet — into six “commands.”
Its fleet, with 11 aircraft carrier battle groups, rules the seas and has done
so largely unchallenged for almost seven decades.
Air Force has ruled the global skies, and despite being almost continuously in
action for years, hasn’t faced an enemy plane since 1991 or been seriously
challenged anywhere since the early 1970s. Its fleet of drone aircraft
has proven itself capable of targeting and killing suspected enemies in the
backlands of the planet from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Yemen and Somalia with
little regard for national boundaries, and none at all for the possibility of
being shot down.
funds and trains proxy armies on several continents and has complex aid and
training relationships with militaries across the planet. On hundreds of
bases, some tiny and others the size of American towns, its soldiers garrison
the globe from Italy to Australia, Honduras to Afghanistan, and on islands from
Okinawa in the Pacific Ocean to Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.
weapons makers are the most advanced on Earth and dominate the global arms
market. Its nuclear weaponry in silos, on bombers, and on its fleet of
submarines would be capable of destroying several planets the size of
system of spy satellites is unsurpassed and unchallenged. Its
intelligence services can listen in on the phone calls or read the emails of
almost anyone in the world from top foreign leaders to obscure
CIA and its expanding paramilitary forces are capable of kidnapping people of
interest just about anywhere from rural Macedonia to the streets of Rome and
Tripoli. For its many prisoners, it has set up (and dismantled) secret
jails across the planet and on its naval vessels.
It spends more on its military than the next
most powerful 13 states combined. Add in the spending for its full
national security state and it towers over any conceivable group of other nations.
terms of advanced and unchallenged military power, there has been nothing like
the U.S. armed forces since the Mongols swept across Eurasia. No wonder
American presidents now regularly use phrases like “the finest fighting force
the world has ever known” to describe it. By the logic of the situation,
the planet should be a pushover for it. Lesser nations with far lesser
forces have, in the past, controlled vast territories. And despite much
discussion of American decline and the waning of its power in a “multi-polar”
world, its ability to pulverize and destroy, kill and maim, blow up and kick
down has only grown in this new century.
other nation's military comes within a country mile of it. None has more
than a handful of foreign bases. None has more than two aircraft carrier
battle groups. No potential enemy has such a fleet of robotic
planes. None has more than 60,000 special operations forces.
Country by country, it’s a hands-down no-contest.
Soviet (once “Red,” now Russian) army is a shadow of its former self. The
Europeans have not rearmed significantly. Japan’s “self-defense” forces are
powerful and slowly growing, but under the U.S. nuclear “umbrella.”
Although China, regularly identified as the next rising imperial state, is
involved in a much-ballyhooed military build-up, with its one aircraft carrier
(a retread from the days of the Soviet Union), it still remains only a regional
this stunning global power equation, for more than a decade we have been given
a lesson in what a military, no matter how overwhelming, can and (mostly) can’t
do in the 21st century, in what a military, no matter how
staggeringly advanced, does and (mostly) does not translate into on the current
version of planet Earth.
Continued at http://www.tomdispatch.com/archive/175368/When.
—Tom Engelhardt, co-founder of the American
Empire Project and author of “The United States of Fear” as well as a history of the Cold War,
“The End of Victory Culture” (now also
in a Kindle edition), runs the Nation Institute's TomDispatch.com. His latest
book, co-authored with Nick Turse, is “Terminator Planet: The First
History of Drone Warfare, 2001-2050.”
By Glenn Greenwald

a new report released Oct. 10 by the highly respected Committee to Protect
Journalists — its first-ever on
press freedoms in the U.S. — powerfully underscores just how extreme
is the threat to press freedom posed by this administration. Written by former
Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie, Jr., the report offers a
comprehensive survey of the multiple ways that the Obama presidency has ushered
in a paralyzing climate of fear for journalists and sources alike, one that
severely threatens the newsgathering process.
first sentence: reads: "In the Obama administration's Washington,
government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press." Among
the most shameful aspects of the Obama record:
government employees, plus two contractors including Edward Snowden, have been
subjects of felony criminal prosecutions since 2009 under the 1917 Espionage
Act, accused of leaking classified information to the press — compared with a
total of three such prosecutions in all previous U.S. administrations. Still
more criminal investigations into leaks are under way. Reporters' phone logs
and emails were secretly subpoenaed and seized by the Justice Department in two
of the investigations, and a Fox News reporter was accused in an affidavit for
one of those subpoenas of being 'an aider, abettor and/or conspirator' of an
indicted leak defendant, exposing him to possible prosecution for doing his job
as a journalist. In another leak case, a New York Times reporter has been
ordered to testify against a defendant or go to jail."
goes on to detail how NSA revelations have made journalists and sources
petrified even to speak with one another for fear they are being surveilled: “I
worry now about calling somebody because the contact can be found out through a
check of phone records or emails,’ said veteran national security journalist R.
Jeffrey Smith of the Center for Public Integrity, an influential nonprofit
government accountability news organization in Washington. 'It leaves a digital
trail that makes it easier for the government to monitor those contacts,' he
quotes New York Times national security reporter Scott Shane as saying that
sources are "scared to death." It quotes New York Times reporter
David Sanger as saying that "this is the most closed, control freak
administration I've ever covered." And it notes that New York Times public
editor Margaret Sullivan previously wrote, "it's turning out to be the
administration of unprecedented secrecy and unprecedented attacks on a free
on all this, Downie himself concludes:
administration's war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the
most aggressive I've seen since the Nixon administration, when I was one of the
editors involved in The Washington Post's investigation of Watergate. The 30
experienced Washington journalists at a variety of news organizations whom I
interviewed for this report could not remember any precedent."
this pernicious dynamic extends far beyond national security: "Ellen
Weiss, Washington bureau chief for E.W. Scripps newspapers and stations, said
'the Obama administration is far worse than the Bush administration' in trying
to thwart accountability reporting about government agencies." It
identifies at least a dozen other long-time journalists making similar
report ends by noting the glaring irony that Obama aggressively campaigned on a
pledge to usher in The Most Transparent Administration Ever. Instead, as the
New Yorker's investigative reporter Jane Mayer recently said about
the Obama administration's attacks: "It's a huge impediment to
reporting, and so chilling isn't quite strong enough, it's more like freezing
the whole process into a standstill."
in 2006, back when I was
frequently about the Bush
administration's attacks on press freedom, the focus was on mere
threats to take some of these actions, and that caused severe anger from vocal
progressives. Now, as this new report documents, we have moved well beyond the
realm of mere threats into undeniable reality, and the silence is as deafening
as the danger is pronounced.
From the Guardian, Oct. 10.The full CPJ report is at http://cpj.org/reports/2013/10/obama-and-the-press-us-leaks-surveillance-post-911.php
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Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, just behind Indochinese leader Ho Chi Minh. |
Americans today, particularly those born in the last four decades, have an
understanding of the importance of the Vietnam War. This U.S. defeat by a very
small country was a turning point in American imperial history, the
ramifications of which continue until this day. Vietnamese Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap,
who died this month, played a major role in that defeat. The following obituary
traces the origins and outcome of this tumultuous event.]
By Jack A.
Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, who helped defeat Japan, then France, then the United
States in a 35-year war for national independence, died in Hanoi on Oct. 4 at
the age of 102. He had been ailing and living in a military hospital for the
last four years.
extraordinary generalship drove French imperialism out of the three countries
of Indochina — Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia — in the mid-1950s. At the time he
declared the anti-French struggle “was victorious because we had a wide and
firm National United Front… organized and led by the party of the working class
— the Indochinese Communist Party, now the Vietnam Workers Party.”
later, he described the Vietnamese triumph against France as "the first
great victory for a weak, colonized people struggling against the full strength
of modern Western forces. This is why it was the first great defeat for the
West. It shook the foundations of colonialism and called on people to fight for
their freedom."
came what the Vietnamese call the American War. The United States supported
French colonialism in Indochina beginning in 1954 with money and a Military
Assistance Advisory Group. It remained in the southern half of the country
after France withdrew its tattered legions, virtually destroying Vietnam with
its bombs, heavy artillery, chemical poisons and a half million troops until it
was ousted with finality in 1975. Gen. Giap played a major role in bringing
about this stunning defeat of history’s most powerful military state. It was
the first time the U.S. lost a war.
had to use the small against the big — backward weapons to defeat modern
weapons," Giap said. "At the end, it was the human factor that
determined the victory." He further noted elsewhere that “guerrilla
warfare is the means whereby the people of a weak, badly equipped country can
stand up against an aggressive army possessing better equipment and

factor contributing to Vietnam’s success was the material support from both
Russia and China despite the growing political antagonism between the two
communist giants.
that he is considered one of the great generals in modern history, and called
by some the “Red Napoleon,” it is of no little interest that he was self-taught
in the arts of war, never having attended even one class in the subject.
was familiar with Vietnam’s long history, dating back thousands of years, of
resisting foreign invasions and domination, mainly from China and Mongolia. He
studied some of these engagements. But his practical abilities derived from
modern sources. Primarily, he studied the extensive contemporary military
writings of Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, adapting them to the
social, political and geographical conditions of Vietnam. He further learned
from his mentor, Ho Chi Minh, the great leader of the Indochinese struggle for
national liberation, as well as Marx, Engels, Lenin and others.
factors molded his military prowess. He had an abiding hatred of foreign
domination. He was a passionate communist and sought to build a socialist
society benefitting the masses of people. He applied Marxist analysis to
Nguyen Giap (pronounced vo nwin ZHAP) was born in 1911 to an educated farming
family with strong nationalist views against France, which occupied parts, than
all of Vietnam, starting in the mid-1800s. His father took part in unsuccessful
uprisings against French domination in the 1880s. Years later he was arrested
for subversion and died in prison in 1919 — some say he was murdered — when his
son was eight. Soon afterward, one of his older sisters was arrested and
eventually released due to illness brought about by prison conditions, and died
weeks later, while her younger brother was nine. When he was an adult, the
French arrested his first wife, who also died in prison.
activity was subdued in Vietnam during Giap’s formative years, though he
carried on the rebel tradition. At around the age of 12, according to
Wikipedia, “He was expelled from school
after two years for taking part in protests, and went home to his village for a
while. While there, he joined the Tân
Việt (New Vietnamese) Revolutionary Party, an underground group founded
in 1924, which introduced him to communism. He returned to Hue and continued his political activities. He
was arrested in 1930 for taking part in student protests and served 13 months
in Lao Bảo Prison. He joined the Communist Party of Vietnam in 1931and took
part in several demonstrations against French rule in Indochina as well as
assisting in founding the Democratic Front….
1933 to 1938, Giap studied at the University of Hanoi (and continued his
political activities) as he earned a bachelor's degree in law with a major in
political economy.” He worked as a history teacher and married fellow student
and revolutionary Nguyen Thi Minh Giang in 1938 and had a daughter named Hohg
Anh (Red Queen of Flowers).
outlawed the Indochinese Communist Party, causing many members to hide and
operate as an underground. Party leader Ho Chi Minh and others escaped to
neighboring China to continue their work. Over 2,000 party members were
arrested. Giap left for China in May 1940; his wife stayed in Vietnam with her
family and was soon arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison. He never saw
her again.
months later, most of France was in the hands of the Nazi collaborationist Vichy
government, which allowed imperialist Japan to occupy Vietnam to “protect”
Indochina. Ho, now back in Vietnam, formed the Vietnam Independence League to
organize against the occupation. Giap, who was 20 at the time, was assigned to
build an intelligence network and develop political bases in the far north of
Vietnam. He edited a periodic news sheet for distribution to the masses. Many
years later he admitted one of the toughest jobs in his life was writing the
simple, very short items Ho ordered. Ho was right because many of the people
receiving the news sheet could hardly read.
the next few years Giap would rise from this position to that of military
commander of the Viet Minh — the League for the Independence of Vietnam, the
communist coalition to seek separation from France — and the commander of the
Vietnam People’s Army. (We will refer to the Viet Minh during the anti-French
war, and then to the Vietnam People’s Army afterward.) His close proximity to
Ho didn’t hurt, but without ability he would have gotten nowhere.
1942, Giap and others were ordered to build the League’s military wing. A year
later he learned that his wife died in prison but that Red Queen of Flowers was
safe with her maternal grandparents (as an adult she became a doctor). By the
end of 1943 Giap reported hundreds of men and women had joined the Viet Minh
army. That same year, membership in the Independence League was said to have
reached hundreds of thousands.
Communist Party called on Giap to form a “Vietnamese People's Propaganda Unit for National Liberation,” which
became the People’s Army of Vietnam a year later. Giap built and led the first
Armed Propaganda Brigade of 33 men and three women armed with one machine gun, 31 rifles and 2 revolvers. They would fight if
attacked but their main task was mobilizing the people of various hamlets
against Japanese and French imperialism through propaganda plays, skits, music,
dance and bringing news of the struggle to remote areas. In time many such
brigades were created. The U.S., incidentally, helped finance the Viet Minh’s
struggle against the Japanese by supplying rifles and perhaps other aid, though
it supported the return of the French.
was defeated in August 1945 and was preparing for a formal surrender in September.
By that time the rebel forces numbered a few thousand. Ho on Aug. 19 ordered
the Viet Minh to begin the revolution against the restoration of French
colonial rule. There were uprisings against the French throughout Vietnam. The
Japanese just looked the other way.
Sept. 2, Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the founding of the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam (DRV). He was named Chairman of the Provisional Government, in effect
the Premier of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Giap became Minister of the
Interior, while still commanding the Viet Minh. Ho sought to obtain recognition
of the DRV from the U.S., to no avail despite repeated entreaties to President
Truman, who ignored them.
Nationalist Chinese army arrived in Vietnam in early September, ostensibly to
disarm the Japanese but occupying the northern half of the country. At the same
time British forces occupied the southern half. They remained until the French
colonial army returned, starting in October. The leaders of the U.S., the USSR
and the UK (the Big Three) prearranged this scenario, which also succeeded in
closing any gap in military authority that the resistance forces might seek to
exploit before the French returned.
Communist Party officially dissolved in 1945, presumably to save itself,
although the leadership continued functioning, membership kept increasing and
the Viet Minh was in the beginning stages of a war for independence against
powerful French force. The date for the beginning of the full-blown Anti-French
Resistance War in Indochina is Dec. 19, 1946.
This was, in effect, the First Indochina War. The second was against the
Communist Party was formally reestablished in 1951, but with a new name: the
Workers Party of Vietnam. According to the CIA, it had between 200,000 and
400,000 members.
and Giap entered negotiations with the French, testing whether it might be
possible to gain independence without a war. Ho followed up with a six-month
parlay with the French government in Paris, leaving Giap in Hanoi, leading the
DRV. In August 1946 Giap married a second time to Ba Hanh, who eventually gave
birth to four children.
October, 1946, the war was beginning, even while Ho was still negotiating
abroad. On Dec. 19 the DRV declared war on France. A succession of skirmishes
and small engagements followed. The Viet Minh had no heavy weapons and other
essential accouterment for a larger war until the Chinese Communist Party won
its war against the Nationalists in October 1949. Chinese and Soviet supplies
soon began to cross the Chinese border, as did some Chinese instructors. Giap
was soon able to launch large battles that seriously bruised the French forces.
This broadened the antiwar movement in France and spawned doubts in a sector of
the population about the necessity for holding on to Indochina.
1953 French generals feared the insurrection was spreading across Vietnam’s
western border into Laos after a Viet Minh unit attacked French border outposts
in that country. This convinced the French commander, Gen. Henri Navarre, to
establish a major military base near the small town of Dien Bien Phu, just 10
miles from the border in northwest Vietnam. He intended to interdict Vietnamese
forces heading to Laos or lure them to attack a base that he considered
invulnerable because of its fortifications, and the fact that it was surrounded
by mountains, with a nearby former Japanese airstrip for resupply. Navarre knew
Giap did not possess heavy artillery or the means to transport such tonnage up
the mountains and into position. After several months the base was ready by the
end of 1953.
figured out what to do — one of the most audacious maneuvers in modern military
history. It resulted in France losing its three colonies in Indochina, and
paved the way for the loss of most of its other colonies, mainly in Africa.
was wrong. Giap had artillery but he kept it a secret until the right moment.
His plan required 50,000 troops, thousands of support forces, 24 howitzers, and
antiaircraft guns, ammunition and supplies for an army. Each howitzer weighs
between 3 and 7 tons, depending on the type Giap used. The problem was how to
get the howitzers up the mountains despite roadless, very difficult terrain
without being detected. He decided that large teams of porters would push and
haul each piece up the backside of the mountains, facing away from the base.
Once there, they would tunnel and drag the howitzers to the forward slopes on
the other side facing the enemy down below, and position them to cause maximum
damage to various parts of the sprawling base. It was an incredible
French — who numbered about 13,000— discovered the Viet Minh had heavy weapons
on March 14, 1954, when the first shot came crashing down upon them. After two
weeks of this bombardment, Giap sent in the troops. It was a tough fight,
including trenches. On May 7, Giap sent 25,000 Viet Minh on a final assault on
the remainder of the garrison — and it was over. (Figures on the dead and
wounded are contradictory but it is generally believed that the Viet Minh lost
far more troops than the French — a not uncommon happening in Giap’s battles.)
participated in Dien Bien Phu, from the armed forces and CIA. A total of 37 CIA
pilots took part in air drops to supply the French. The Navy sent maintenance
crews and mechanics. The U.S. sent planes and troop carriers.
elated Ho was in Geneva when Giap claimed victory, planning to attend the May 8
Geneva Conference on Indochina. It was clear Dien Bien Phu was the end for
France in Indochina. The conference came to a decision June 17: Vietnam would
be split temporarily in two at the 17th parallel. The DRV would
remain in control of the north. The powerful forces in the south were Emperor
Bao Dai (a collaborator with both the French and Japanese) and his conservative
government, the Catholic Church and the United States. A free election was to
be held throughout Vietnam in two years to vote for a president who would rule
the unified country. About a million people, overwhelmingly Catholics, migrated
from north to south during the first year. The U.S. Navy supplied the ships.
About 100,000 from the south went north, mostly leftists.
election never took place, however. South Vietnam and its U.S. backers refused
to participate. Presiding President Dwight D. Eisenhower explained why in his
memoirs: Ho was going to get 80% of the vote, in his (and presumably the CIA’s)
opinion. The U.S. only wanted a
reunified Vietnam if it was in the hands of an anti-communist government.
According to the New York Times, “about 94,000
French troops died in the war to keep Vietnam, and the struggle for
independence killed, by conservative estimates, about 300,000 Vietnamese
Pentagon says the Vietnam War lasted 11 years, (1962-1973), but U.S.
involvement actually continued for 21 years (1954-1975). When Paris withdrew
remaining French troops in April 1956, according to writer John Prados,
"their departure made America South Vietnam's big brother," i.e.,
overlord and military protector against popular liberation forces in the
southern half of the country.
led the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) throughout much of the American War,
building it into a world class fighting force. He was also in charge of the
guerrilla forces of the south, the fighting wing of the National Liberation
Front of South Vietnam. Many were southerners who moved north after the split,
only to return surreptitiously as an organized fighting force. Others never
left the south.
NLF guerrillas played an extraordinary role in the anti-U.S. struggle. In time
the VPA sent many detachments from the north to join them in battle against
U.S. troops.
supplied the forces in the south through what was called the Ho Chi Minh Trail,
which consisted of newly built trails connected to many refurbished old paths
from the now Democratic Republic of Vietnam, into Laos, south through Cambodia
to various exits in South Vietnam. Much of it is covered by a canopy of jungle
growth, hiding traffic from the air. It was put together, constantly repaired
and sometimes diverted because of U.S. air strikes, between 1959 and 1975. It
was clear enough by the decisive year of 1973 for heavy trucks to travel its
length. Total length with many offshoots is said to be more than 1,500 miles.
June 1962, 9,700 U.S. "military advisers" plus a large number of CIA
agents were training and fighting to support the corrupt U.S.-backed regime in
Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), at which time President Kennedy's Defense
Secretary, Robert McNamara, announced that "every quantitative measure
shows that we're wining the war." There were 20,000 by the end of 1963.
major escalation of U.S. troops began after President Lyndon B. Johnson
evidently lied about an alleged North Vietnamese attack Aug. 4, 1964, on a U.S.
Navy destroyer, the Maddox, cruising in the Gulf of Tonkin. There had been an
altercation between three Vietnamese torpedo boats and the Maddox on Aug. 2.
The boats were heading toward the U.S. vessel when the Maddox opened fire,
evidently believing it was coming under attack. Torpedoes were then fired,
missing their target, and the small boats fled.
Aug. 4, the Maddox reported it was again attacked, prompting an outcry from
Johnson and Defense Secretary McNamara the next day. Two days later, at Johnson’s
request, both houses of Congress overwhelmingly passed the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution that allowed the U.S. to ultimately increase ground forces to
535,040 troops in Vietnam. The DRV always maintained there was no second
attack. McNamara, who eventually regretted his role, traveled to Vietnam 31
years later to meet with Giap. During his visit, he asked the general what
really happened Aug. 4, to which Giap replied, “Nothing.”
the worst problem Giap faced was not U.S. ground forces but an almost
unbelievable amount of attacks from the air that not only slaughtered untold
numbers of civilians in both halves of Vietnam but came close to destroying
Hanoi’s economy, making it more dependent than ever on supplies from China and
the Soviet Union. One response, which Giap approved, was to dig underground
tunnels throughout the country — some with living space — so families, farmers,
workers and soldiers could find safety from bombs, shells, napalm, and Agent
Orange poison defoliant.
bombs and heavy artillery pulverized Indochina. The Pentagon detonated
15,500,000 tons of air and ground munitions —12,000,000 tons on South Vietnam
alone. By comparison, the U.S. detonated only 6,000,000 tons of ground and air
munitions throughout World War II in Europe and the Far East. All told, by the
end of the war, 26,000,000 bomb craters pockmarked Indochina, nearly all from
U.S. weapons and bombers.
U.S. lost 58,151 troops in the war. About four million Vietnamese civilians and
soldiers were killed on both sides in a catastrophe that could have been
entirely avoided had Washington allowed the free elections to take place. Over
a million civilians in neighboring Laos and Cambodia also were killed or
wounded by U.S. firepower.
The Pentagon detonated 15,500,000
tons of air and ground munitions —12,000,000 tons on South Vietnam alone. By
comparison, the U.S. detonated only 6,000,000 tons of ground and air munitions
throughout World War II in Europe and the Far East. All told, by the end of the
war, 26,000,000 bomb craters pockmarked Indochina, nearly all from U.S. weapons
and bombers.
![]() |
National Liberation Front soldiers during the Tet Offensive that turned the tide of the war. |
most famous battle of the war was Tet Offensive, led by about 85,000 National
Liberation Front and Vietnam Peoples Army troops from the north between Jan.
30-March 28, 1968, against soldiers from South Vietnam, the U.S., South Korea,
Australia, New Zealand and Thailand. (Tet is the lunar new year.) Two smaller,
follow-up phases of the offensive took place May 5-June 15 and Aug. 17-Sept.
23. (It is estimated that some 200,000 NLF/VPA may have participated in the
entire campaign. The U.S., et al, troop strength was about a million.)
fighters attacked Saigon, 36 of 44 provincial capitals, a few autonomous
cities, 64 district capitals and dozens of hamlets. They raided many military
bases and airfields. In Saigon, they attacked the U.S. embassy and the
Presidential Palace.
the attack did not succeed in militarily terms. NLF/VPA troops suffered far
higher casualties and retained only a trace of territory. The uprising that the
planners believed would take place throughout South Vietnam — a prime objective
— did not happen.
however, the Tet Offensive was a strategic success for the Vietnamese, leading
to U.S. withdrawal in five years and to complete victory two years later.
the home front before Tet, Washington was promising that victory we near, and
the truth is that that the DRV and the Liberated Zones of South Korea had taken
a terrible beating. But many Americans had already turned against the war. The
antiwar movement was large and vocal. Gradually, the truth about America’s
brutal conduct in the war began to leak out. For many Americans the enormous
scope of the Tet offensive was a shock, propelling many more into the antiwar
a direct result of Tet and the shift in public opinion, Johnson made two
historic moves. (1) In March he announced that America’s vicious bombing
campaign, Operation Rolling Thunder, would end Nov. 1, paving the way for peace
talks. (2) This was followed by an announcement March 31 that Johnson would not
run for a second term in the November elections.
is often depicted as the brilliant general behind Tet, but that does not appear
to be accurate. He evidently entertained qualms about a massive attack as
opposed to expanding a guerrilla-type struggle. For almost a year, the upper
political and military echelons of the government and Workers Party discussed,
argued about and finally planned the Tet Offensive. Some of the arguments reflected
differences in approach that evidently emanated from the Sino-Soviet
ideological split. Once the decision was made, all sides — certainly including
Ho, who seemed to be in the middle — united to make it as successful as
Hoang Van Thai led the Tet campaign. Giap himself was now the Defense Minister,
and worked for its success, though he was critical of the failure to order the
withdrawal of troops in vulnerable situations. Over the years Giap made these
comments about Tet:
“The Tet offensive had been directed primarily
at the people of South Vietnam, but as it turned out, it affected the people of
the United States more. Until Tet, they thought they could win the war, but now
they knew that they could not.”
told the journalist Stanley Karnow: “We wanted to show the Americans that we
were not exhausted, that we could attack their arsenals, communications, elite
units, even their headquarters, the brains behind the war…. We wanted to
project the war into the homes of America’s families, because we knew that most
of them had nothing against us.”
Chi Minh died at the age of 79 on Sept. 2, 1969. He had been ill and
relinquished his offices four years earlier, remaining one of the party
leaders. He was and is Vietnam’s most beloved figure. Ho was also Giap’s mentor
and close ally.
Troops pulled entirely out of Vietnam in 1973.
final days of the war for liberation, reunification and socialism began with
the 1975 Spring Offensive led by Gen. Van Tien Dung, who was Giap’s chief of
staff during the fight for Dien Bien Phu. Giap was consulted but did not play a
big role. Virtually the entire armed forces where thrown into the campaign to
capture Saigon, the capital, of southern Vietnm, which succeeded on April 30,
1975. The name Saigon was soon changed to Ho Chi Minh City, now a thriving
metropolis. The name of the unified state was the Socialist Republic of
Giap advised against the invasion of Cambodia to oust the Khmer Rouge, which
took place Dec. 25, 1978. He was removed as Defense Minister earlier that year.
He lost his position as a long time member of the party’s top organization, the
Politburo, in 1982, and his tenure as deputy prime minister ended in 1991.
was without portfolio but that did nothing to reduce his extreme popularity
among the Vietnamese people, where it remains to this day. Giap was out of
power, but he lived quite comfortably. In his latter years he became an
outspoken environmentalist. In time he regained considerable public
recognition. The party brought him back to public view when he was honored at
the 40th anniversary of the victory at Dien Bien Phu in 1994, and
the 30th anniversary of victory and the naming of Ho Chi Minh City
in 2005.

By Samantha
Winslow, Labor Notes
workers in the Bay Area returned to work Oct. 22 after a five-day strike shut
down a train system that serves 400,000 riders daily. The tentative agreement
offers raises of 3-4% each year to Bay
Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers alongside concessions on health care costs
and pensions. BART will deduct 1% per paycheck (not counting overtime) for
pensions the first year, increasing 1% each year for the life of the four-year
a win in very difficult times,” said Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) national
President Larry Hanley. “We were facing the full brunt of big business in the
Bay Area.”
union fought off the big concessions on wage and benefits that BART was after,
and held on to the right to have a say in work and safety rules. “Our commitment
to improving the safety at BART doesn’t end with these negotiations,” said Des
Patten, Professional Chapter President of Service Employees (SEIU) Local 1021.
agreement clarifies the issue of past practices that the unions said was a
sticking point in negotiations. If the two sides can’t resolve safety concerns
related to changes in work rules, they can take management’s proposed changes
to arbitration.
BART management seemed eager to extract big concessions by pushing the unions
into an unpopular strike, its strategy backfired when an off-duty train struck
and killed two non-union engineers, putting a national spotlight on BART union
workers’ safety concerns. The ultimate settlement shows concessions on both
sides, with the union retaining some safeguards on working conditions.
rallies, leafleting the public, and working with religious and community
groups, the two local unions never persuasively connected the contract issues
of electricians, drivers, conductors, mechanics, and station agents with those
of riders — allowing BART to argue that workers were holding up changes that
would make things more efficient for riders.
sentiment overall was negative toward strikers, not only because of the
inconvenience for thousands of commuters but also because the media were
carrying management’s line. “It was a carefully plotted out effort,” Hanley
said, “not just to reduce their wages, but to use a very public group who had
the right to strike to inflame the community.
were successful in getting numbers of the public to attack the BART workers for
things like having a pension, for owning a home,” Hanley said. It would have
taken a far more ambitious campaign, like the Chicago Teachers Union’s build-up
to their 2012 strike, to shift this dynamic….