April 1,
2015, Hudson Valley Activist Calendar, Issue #690
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HUDSON VALLEY EVENTS — We update the calendar every few days. Updated items begin
with this mark: √√.
Wednesday, April 1,
ALBANY: A lunchtime rally begins at City Hall, 24 Eagle St., at 11:45 a.m.,
demanding the end of "bomb" (oil carrying) trains, sponsored by PAUSE (People of Albany for Safe Energy).
PAUSE calls on the government "to protect the people from the dangers of
bomb trains and to work to end our economic dependence on fossil fuels as we
transition to a sustainable energy supply." Information, ssteub@gmail.com.
Oil tanker cruising up the Hudson River. |
(Vassar campus): Crude Oil Transportation in the Hudson Valley is a 5:30-7 p.m.
presentation by Riverkeeper's Jeremy Cherson, at Aula in Elly Hall. Up to 5 billion gallons of crude oil are transported through the Hudson Valley annually
by train, barge and ship. Spills, explosions and fires — some resulting in the
catastrophic loss of life — have occurred elsewhere on this virtual pipeline
and it could happen here. The sponsors are the Casperkill Watershed Alliance
and Vassar College Sustainability. Campus map, http://info.vassar.edu/visit/maps/
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Roosevelt, Stalin, Tehran Conference, 1943 |
Thursday, April 2,
HYDE PARK: The FDR Presidential Library, 4079 Albany Post Rd (Rt. 9) will
host an author talk and signing at 7 p.m. with Susan Butler, author of "Roosevelt
and Stalin: Portrait of a Partnership." Copies of the book will
be available for sale. Published earlier this year, the book in one part discusses an
extremely important fact about Roosevelt that is known but to few Americans although it dramatically changed U.S. history from 1945 to now: Until his death
that year, this great American president was utterly committed to
maintaining close and friendly peacetime relations with the USSR. His successor, Harry Truman,
the reactionaries in Congress, and big business essentially launched the Cold War, which at the time was
only opposed at home by the progressives and the left. The liberals caved in. Free public event.
Information, (845) 486-7745.
starts at 6:45 p.m. at
the Bethlehem Public Library,
Delaware Ave. From 1967-1975, a Swedish film crew recorded interviews with
major figures in the Black Power movement, creating hours of footage that
remained unreleased for decades. In clips, Stokely Carmichael, Huey P. Newton
and Angela Davis discuss the movement's evolution. With contemporary audio
interviews from leading African American artists, activists, musicians and
scholars, this documentary examines the people, society, culture, and style of the
era. Recent events, including the Black Lives Matter movement, are a
direct result of the failure to address the issues brought forward by the Black
Power Movement. Information, (512) 466-1192.
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Hebron: International supporters of Palestinians have been harassed. |
KINGSTON: The Films of Palestine Series presents "Ghost Town: The Hebron Story," 7 - 8:30 p.m. at
the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills, 320 Sawkill Rd. This
documentary by Ellie Bernstein tells the story of several families living in
the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Narrated by Martin Sheen, the film
follows the rise of Israeli settlements that are destroying any hope of peace
in the Middle East. Director Bernstein will also discuss the making of her
movie. Sponsored by Middle East Crisis Response (http://www.mideastcrisis.org)
and Hudson Valley Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (http://www.hudsonvalleybds.org.) Information:
Jane.toby7@gmail.com or (518) 291-6808.
Saturday, April 4,
ROCK TAVERN: The well known anti-drone strike campaigner Nick Mottern will
speak on "Resisting Militarism Through Boycott and Divestment" at 4
p.m. in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern, 9 Vance Rd.,
just off Rt. 207. Public and free, though a voluntary donation of $5 or $10 is
always appreciated. Information, Verne
Bell at (845) 569-8965.
Monday, April 6, Old
Chatham: A free public screening of “The House I Live In” will be screened at 7 p.m. at the
Old Chatham Quaker Meetinghouse, 539 County Rt. 13, across from Pitt Hall Road
and Powell House. The film concerns the war on drugs, which has been a failure
practically, morally, and economically. There are more than 500,000 people
incarcerated for drug offenses; billions of dollars are spent annually on
narcotics enforcement; treatment is still out of reach for millions of people;
and drugs are more available and cheaper than ever before. There is,
however, increasing momentum for drug policy reform from all levels of
government and society. Refreshments will be served and a moderated discussion will
follow. Information, (518) 766-2992. Directions, www.oldchathamquakers.org.
Tuesday, April 7, NEW
PALTZ (SUNY campus): The Departments of Sociology and Black Studies
present: "The Problem with Carceral Feminism: Race,
Gender and Mass Criminalization," a public lecture by Dr. Beth
Richie, Professor of African American Studies, Gender and Women's Studies,
Criminology, Law and Justice, and Sociology at University of Illinois Chicago.
This free public event begins at 3:30 p.m. in LC 102. The emphasis of Richie's scholarly and
activist work has been on the ways that race/ethnicity and social
position affect women's experience of violence and incarceration, focusing
on the experiences of African American battered women and sexual
assault survivors. The speaker is the author of "Arrested
Justice: Black Women, Violence and America’s Prison Nation" (NYU
Press, 2012), and numerous articles. Co-sponsors include the Women's
Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, Native American Studies Program
and the Humanistic and Multicultural Education Program. Information, (845)

End the New Jim Crow Action Network will meet 6-8 p.m. at the Sadie Peterson
Delaney African Roots Library, Family Partnership Center, 29 N. Hamilton St.
(Also meets here April 22.) Information, (845) 475-8781, http://www.enjan.org.
Thursday, April 9, BEACON: Crude Oil Transport on the Hudson River is the subject of a 7-8:30
p.m. lecture by Join Riverkeeper’s Jeremy Cherson. The event will be held at Beacon
Sloop Club, 2 Red Flynn Drive.
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Nermeen Shaikh. |
Thursday, April 9,
NEW PALTZ (SUNY Campus): “The Mass Media and the Poverty We Cannot See” is
the topic of a talk by Nermeen Shaikh, co-host of “Democracy Now, the award winning daily radio, TV and Internet
news program. The free public 5 p.m. event will take place in the Old
Main Building 1907 Room on campus. Shaikh's talk will focus on how the
commercial mass media often trivializes general news, minimizes poverty, slants
political news and has been known to function as a virtual propaganda arm of
the government in its approach to complex international events. This important
talk is sponsored by The
Progressive Academic Network, Office of the Provost, Humanistic/Multicultural
Education Program, and Departments of Digital Media and Journalism, Economics,
Educational Studies, Political Science and International Relations.
Information, Nancy Schniedewind, schniedn@newpaltz.edu.
April 9, WOODSTOCK: Middle East
Crisis Response, a group of Hudson Valley residents joined together to promote
peace and human rights in Palestine and the Middle East, will hold its
regular meeting tonight, 7-8:30 p.m. at Woodstock Public Library, 5 Library
Lane. (Next meeting April 23, same place.) Information, (845) 876-7906, http://www.mideastcrisis.org.
√√ Friday, April 10, POUGHKEEPSIE: A rally in support of public education will take place 2:30-6 p.m. at the intersection of Rt. 9and Vassar Rd. The sponsor, Wappingers Congress of Teachers, says: "Please join us as we defend the future education of our children." Rain or shine. Parking available at the South Hills Mall. Information, (845) 227-5065, http://www.wcteachers.org.
√√ Friday, April 10, POUGHKEEPSIE: A rally in support of public education will take place 2:30-6 p.m. at the intersection of Rt. 9and Vassar Rd. The sponsor, Wappingers Congress of Teachers, says: "Please join us as we defend the future education of our children." Rain or shine. Parking available at the South Hills Mall. Information, (845) 227-5065, http://www.wcteachers.org.
√√ Saturday, April
11, NEW PALTZ: A vigil to end the Israeli occupation and settlements in the
West Bank and the ravaging of Gaza will be held 12:45-1:30 p.m. in front of the
Elting Library, 93 Main St. the sponsor is New Paltz Women in Black, which has
been conducting peace demonstrations at this corner every Saturday since 2001.
Information, contact Barbara at AnahataSun@aol.com.
Monday, April
End the New Jim Crow Action Network! (ENJAN), a Hudson Valley group dedicated
to fighting racist policies of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass
incarceration (the "new Jim Crow"), meets 6-8 p.m. at the New
Progressive Baptist Church, 8 Hone St. (Also meets here April 27.)
Information, (845) 475-8781, http://www.enjan.org.
Saturday, April 18,
OSSINING: Green Ossining is organizing a public Earth Day Festival at Louis
Engel Waterfront Park (adjacent to the train station), 11 a.m.-4 p.m. This year
will be solar energy themed, and focused on promoting solar energy in
Westchester County through the Solarize program.
Saturday, April 18,
2015, HYDE PARK: The third annual Hudson Valley History Reading Festival will
be held 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Henry A. Wallace Center at the FDR Presidential
Library, 4079 Albany Post Rd (Rt. 9. In four sessions, beginning at 10 a.m.,
authors of books on Hudson Valley history will present author talks followed by
book signings. Copies of all of the authors’ books will be available for sale
in the New Deal Store located in the Wallace Center.
Sponsors are The FDR Presidential Library and the Friends of the Poughkeepsie
Public Library District. Information,
√√ Saturday, April
18, WHITE PLAINS: A demonstration to oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership trade pact, especially the "fast track" authority sought by the Obama
Administration, will take place 12 noon-1:30 p.m. at Martine Ave. and Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. It is sponsored by the Communications Workers of
America, Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Body (AFL CIO), and WESPAC. Attending
will be the Westchester Coalition of Community, Environment, Faith and Labor, a
number of elected officials and the general public. This event is part of a
national day of protest against the TPP. The AFL-CIO and its member unions are organizing more than 50
events throughout the country that will coincide with a global day of action
(https://www.globaltradeday.org/) with hundreds of events in over a
dozen countries. Labor says the proposed pact will cost
American jobs just like NAFTA. Environmental groups say it will poison our
food, water and air. Faith based groups say it will hurt developing countries.
Healthcare advocates say it will drive up prescription costs. Community groups
say foreign corporations will be able to sue federal, state and even local
governments for passing laws that protect our jobs, family and environment.

Information, jennifer@wpclb.org.
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Up to no good. Count on it. |
Tuesday April 21,
ANNANDALE ON HUDSON (Bard campus): History Professor Mark Lytle, will speak
on "President Nixon, Henry Kissinger and their influence on America in the
world," 5–7 p.m. in the Reem-Kayden Center Laszlo Z. Bito '60 Auditorium.
Lytle is the author of six books including "The Gentle Subversive: Rachel
Carson, Silent Spring and the Rise of the Environmental Movement" (2007)
and "America's Uncivil Wars: The Sixties Era from Elvis to the Fall of
Richard Nixon" (2006)." Sponsored by Historical Studies Program;
public and free. Campus map http://www.bard.edu/campus/maps/pdfs/campusmap.pdf
√√ Monday, April 20,
NEW PALTZ (SUNY campus): A free public screening of the environmental
documentary "Tapped" will begin at 7:15 p.m. in Lecture Center 102.
The 76-minute film "examines the role of the bottled water industry and
its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on
oil." A Q & A will follow with members of the Kingston Citizens Group
who have successfully prevented Niagara Bottling from using a projected 30% of
Kingston water from its Cooper Lake Reservoir to bottle and sell the water
at a substantial profit.
√√ Tuesday, April 21, NEW PALTZ
(SUNY campus): Steven
Liebo, a history professor at Sage College, will speak on the climate crisis
and how it affects the northeast of America at 7 p.m. in Lecture Center 102.
Leibo was among those personally trained by former Vice President Al Gore to
give updated versions of the famous Climate Crisis slide show from the Academy
Award Winning Film "The
Inconvenient Truth." Over the last years he has given several dozen
presentations at a range of institutions from high schools and colleges to
libraries. Information,boms@newpaltz.edu.
√√ Wednesday, April 22, ALBANY: An all-day celevration of Earth Day,
including a rally, music and family events will be held 11 a.m.-9 p.m. in West
Capitol Park. We're informed: "This event will encompass
many issues affecting the sustainability of a healthy earth community. We
will have speakers to expose various related issues, including War and Peace,
Environmental Racism, Native and Women’s rights, GMO’s, factory farming and
pesticide use, aerosol spraying and Geo engineering. Further we will deplore the
corporate take over of our government, money in politics, secret trade deals
like TPP, TiPP, and TiSA that threaten to take away all our sovereignty and
destroy ability for public dissent." From 12 noon to 1 p.m. Women Against War & Grannies for Peace will be
demonstrating with signs and banners protesting the U.S. military — the world’s
single biggest consumer of fossil fuels Maureen Aumand will be
among the speakers. Information on the entire event,
Wednesday, April 22, ALBANY: Today is Earth Day. Beginning 11:45 a.m. at Tivoli Park (Judson and Livingston (where there is parking), is the 2015 Earth Day Bicycle Parade. This year — celebrating institutions with solar panels — participants will ride by the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany, the Spectrum Theater and the Dormitory Authority (NYS). The ride will last about an hour, and will end at SASNY, 515 Broadway. Information, ssteub@gmail.com.
April 24-25, NEW YORK CITY: A 2-day conference on a "Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just, and Sustainable World"
will take place at Cooper Union in Manhattan, 7 East 7th St. It is
organized by Peace and Planet, the group sponsoring the large anti-nuclear
protest in New York City on Sunday, April 26. (directly below). Information
about this conference is at http://www.peaceandplanet.org/conference-program/.
Sunday, April, 26,
NEW YORK CITY: This year marks the
70th anniversary of the United States atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, and it comes at a time when Washington is currently engaged in a huge
upgrading of its massive supply of nuclear weapons and delivery systems. Join
this massive demonstration — an international anti-nuclear protest centered in
New York City — againat these nightmare weapons the day before the 2015 nuclear
NonProliferation Treaty review conference will take place at the United
Nations. The anti-nuke organization Peace and Planet is sponsoring this protest, which they say will include over
1,000 activists from Japan, including elderly Hibakusha (survivors of the
atomic bombings) as well as other activists from around the world and America. Here's the April 26 schedule: 11-12:30: Interfaith
Convocation for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (Tillman Chapel of the
Church Center at the United Nations, 777 First Avenue). 1 p.m.: Rally
(Union Square North, East 14th Street, Park Ave. South & Broadway,
featuring some great speakers. The Global
Wave action will begin in at this time in NYC, followed by the March
and move westward to cities and capitals around the world. 2 p.m.: March (Beginning
at Union Square North. The route will be posted soon). 3-6 p.m.: Peace Festival
(Dag Hammarskjold Plaza East 47th St., 2nd Ave. Together with Genuikyo (Japan Council
Against A-and H-Bombs), the demonstration will present millions of petition
signatures calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons to
UN and NPT Review officials. Much more information is at http://www.peaceandplanet.org. To
learn about the dangerous decision by the U.S. to expand the power and reach
of its nuclear weapons click on 10-22-14 Activist
Newsletter. (This is going to be a very worthwhile event. I
can't march any more but I wish someone, anonymously, would march for me. Jack.)
√√ Friday, April 24,
MILLBROOK: Stanford University professor Rosamond Naylor, director of the
Center on Food Security and the Environment, will lecture on the connections of
food production, health, environmental resources, and international security. This
free public event will be held at 7 p.m. in the Cary Institute auditorium, 2801
Sharon Turnpike (Rt. 44 ). Information, freemanp@caryinstitute.org.
√√ Sunday, April 26,
NEW PALTZ: This town's 13th annual Earth Day Fair will take
place 11 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Reformed Church, 92 Huguenot St., cosponsored by
the New Paltz Climate Action Coalition and the church. We're told this
"fun-filled, family-friendly event is a celebration of sustainability and
earth-wise practices." Music, healthy food, children's activities,
demonstrations and displays are on the agenda. Information, 255-6340, janetodowd818@gmail.com.
√√ Monday, April 27, NEW PALTZ (SUNY
campus): A screening of " The
Hunting Ground," a new documentary about sexual assault on U.S. campuses,
will take place 7-10 p.m. in Lecture Center 102. A panel discussion, featuring faculty, staff and students will follow. The matter of institutional
cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families, is certain
to be discussed. This PG-13 rated film is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by faculty union United University Professions (UUP); co-sponsored by
Department of Digital Media & Journalism; Women's, Gender & Sexuality
Studies Program and others. Information, brownp@newpaltz.edu,
(845) 257-2783. About the film: http://www.thehuntinggroundfilm.com/